Okay. One night while I was busy Tumblr blogging,one of my boardmates suggested me to watch a certain video in YouTube. It was about these four gays who are currently watching Ms. Universe. They were at first like having doubts that Philippines’ candidate, Maria Venus Raj would not make it to the the Top 15. But when the announcer said that the 15th spot would be occupied by Ms. Philippines they were like shouting and jumping like crazy! Puahahaha! I love the reaction… EPIC! Two of them even hugged each other because they simply can’t contain their happiness. It looks like they were the one who made it to the Top 15 of Ms. Universe. 😀

For you guys to know what I’m talkin’ about, you better watch this awesome video. This video definitely made my day. Have a hearty laugh! 😀

And oh before I forget someone even made a version of that video and put some FXS on it. LMFAO THIS IS EFFIN HILARIOUS! I commend these guys (or rather gays) for giving me a hella hilarious night. 🙂

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